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Professional Dental Online Marketing Services

Do you want your online brand presence to become as shiny as your dental services? Looking to boost patient influx for your dental practice? You’ve found the perfect solution to attract more patients right here! RealTop offers top dental practice marketing services for dentists and smile experts that want to polish their business’s image.

We understand the unique challenges that dental practitioners face in the digital age and are committed to helping you succeed. Let us address those crucial “gaps” and develop a winning digital strategy for you!


More than
15 years of

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What is a Dental Marketing Agency?

A Dental Marketing Agency is a firm that specializes in promoting and advertising services specifically for dental practices. We aim to help dental professionals attract more patients, increase brand awareness, and grow their practice through strategic campaigns. Dental marketing companies use strategies like SEO, social media, content, web design, and online ads. We optimize businesses’ online presence and visibility, ultimately driving more patients to their doors.

Why is Digital Marketing Important for Dentists?

Digital marketing is essential for dentists because it allows them to reach potential patients, build brand awareness, and increase their visibility. Your business can only distinguish itself from others by selling yourself online effectively. This is where our digital services jump to the rescue. If your objective is driving more than likes, then this is your sign to contact our dental marketing company.

How We Help Dentists Succeed Online

Check out the case study below and discover how we helped this practitioner succeed online.


To scale his company and set up an automated marketing machine. He had hired another agency before. However, he was dissatisfied with their lack of transparency, communication, reporting, and understanding of his business operations.


We created a custom Google Search campaign resulting in more than 800 leads for $17.10 a lead in the first year.

Ongoing optimization in Q3 & Q4 of 2021 resulted in 122 more conversions compared to Q1 & Q2. Additionally, we reduced the CPA by $1.25.

How We Did It

  • A/B Split Testing of Ads
  • New More Consumer-Centric Ad Copy
  • In-Depth Keyword Research and Search Query Optimization
  • Extensive Daily Negative Keyword List Creation
  • Creation of an invalid click-blocking system
  • New Google Analytics Reporting
  • New Call Tracking Reporting with Call Recording and Instant/Daily/
  • Weekly/Monthly report to the client for sales optimization
  • Feedback loop communication system with his team and our manager
  • Strict adherence to Google search and search partner channels(High intention)


“I saw a FB post about Google AdWords strategies, so I messaged the speaker. 15 minutes later, we were having an in-depth phone conversation about strategy and getting the most marketing bang for my buck. I was impressed with Nikitas.”


Decrease in cost per lead.


Increase in lead volume.


What does Digital Marketing in Dentistry include?

We offer a comprehensive set of services that adapt to your budget and particular business needs.

Pay Per Click Advertising

We will run paid ads that target users looking for legal services with higher chances of converting into customers.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Most users use Google to find the right dental services. Our SEO experts will optimize your website by targeting relevant keywords that drive quality traffic and leads.

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Social Media Marketing

Our strategy includes strengthening your online image on top social platforms. We generate engagement and attract users interested in your services.

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Social Media Advertising

We will increase brand awareness and sales for your business by running social media ads on the most used social platforms.

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Website Design and Development

We will create a solid website that visitors will enjoy visiting and persuades them to contact you for more information.

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Fractional CMO

You can hire our part-time dental marketing experts to handle and run successful campaigns that increase your business revenue.

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Are you frustrated by the lack of desired outcomes? Rest assured that we offer a comprehensive solution to address your needs. Let our Dental Marketing Company put the Shine on Your Practice!

Contact us today, and we’ll walk you through our service packages to find the appropriate one for your business. We will deliver exceptional results that will leave you smiling with satisfaction!


Our Frequency


What is Digital Marketing for Dentists?

Digital marketing for dentists consists in using online strategies to reach potential patients and build brand awareness. The final goal is to attract customers interested in your services and turn them into loyal promoters of your business.

How Much Money should a Dental Practice Invest in Marketing?

The money you invest in marketing your dental practice will depend on the goals you would like to pursue. Ideally, allocating a reasonable percentage of your business’s budget to your online strategy would be best. Studies indicate that 5% to 7% of your budget should be designated to market your business.

What are Some of the Best Ways to Market a Dental Practice?

Some of the best ways to market your dental business include: Optimize your Website for SEO - Use Social Media Platforms - Create Engaging Content - Leverage Email Campaigns - Invest in Paid Advertising - Run Promotions - Create Referral Programs - Monitor Your Online Reputation