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Landing Pages Best Practices

Have you put so much effort and time into building attractive pages for your website to attract new customers and boost your sales, but you don’t seem to achieve your goals?

Creating landing pages that convert users into paying customers takes more than a visually appealing design. It doesn’t matter if you hire the best web designer in the country. If you don’t optimize your pages for search engines and users, you will likely not generate as much quality traffic as you expect.

But don’t worry, we can help. In this blog, we’ll cover some landing page best practices that will help you increase your performance on search engines, attract the right target market, and eventually, help you generate more conversions and sales.

What is a typical landing page?

A landing page is a page on your website that serves a specific purpose once a user lands on it, usually, sales- or marketing oriented. Landing pages try to persuade users to perform certain actions after they have clicked on an ad, email, or social link.

For example, you may have a link included in one of your PPC ads that redirect users to a landing page and encourages them to buy your product by mentioning benefits, a value proposition, pricing options, and more. If optimized correctly, a landing page can help you boost your sales significantly and help you grow your clients’ portfolios.

Landing pages can also include videos, testimonials, or case studies to help you build trust and credibility. Whatever content you include on your landing page should be aligned with the goals you’d like to pursue.

What is the ultimate goal of a landing page?

The ultimate goal of any landing page is to get users to complete a desired action. You can achieve this through relevant and engaging content meant to help with their problems. Whether that’s signing up for your email newsletter, scheduling a consultation, downloading an ebook, or completing a purchase.

What should every landing page include?

Planning your landing page strategy ahead of time will help you reduce mistakes and come up with optimized content that helps you convert more customers easily. Below are some landing page best practices that you should consider to ensure your pages perform well.

1. A Clear Objective

Before creating your own landing pages, make sure you have a clear objective in mind. There’s no point in creating landing pages without a purpose. Determine how they will help you achieve your sales and marketing goals, and develop the content around that main focus. For example, is your objective to generate leads? Growing email subscribers? Or driving sales? This is important, as the structure, content, and tone of your page will vary depending on your objectives. Once you have set your objectives, you are ready to start creating your content.

2. Create Persuasive and engaging content

Your landing page copy should be persuasive and aimed at converting new clients. Use language that convinces users that you are the right choice. Make sure you highlight your value proposition and how your product can help solve their problems. Users will only buy what they understand. Make sure your content is simple to understand and client-oriented. Avoid technical terms to avoid confusion. Put yourself in their shoes and think of how you would like to learn about a new product. It’s all about empathy and understanding your target audience.

3. A strong call-to-action (CTA)

Having a strong call to action (CTA) is crucial to convincing users to complete the desired action. Your CTA should align with the objectives of your landing page. For example, if your landing page is a selling point for one of your products, an adequate CTA may be “Purchase Now!”. A clear CTA will help you catch those visitors that want to buy from you. There’s no point in creating engaging content if it does not aid your sales team. Your CTA should be the first thing visitors see when visiting your website. Place it on top of your page, header, footer, middle page, and sidebar. It should be visible to users everywhere.

4. Benefits of your product or service

Focus on the benefits of your product rather than its characteristics. Users don’t buy a physical product; they buy a solution to their needs. Highlighting benefits will help convince visitors to take the desired action, as they will be able to see the value they will get from using your product or service. However, don’t overwhelm users with tons of information. Choose five top benefits and explain them briefly to ensure that users understand your message. When it comes to marketing your product or service, less is more.

5. Targeted Keywords

A good landing page should target relevant keywords to ensure visibility on search engines. Include your keywords in important places on your page, such as the title, meta descriptions, body copy, and URLs. However, make sure you include your keywords naturally. Otherwise, your content will lose quality and will lose the user’s attention. Also, keyword stuffing can result in Google penalizing your website. Remember, you are writing for humans. You should sound as natural as possible to ensure your content engages users.

6. Optimized Images

Optimizing your images can improve your page’s loading time as well as make it more SEO-friendly. This includes compressing images, using alt text, and adding relevant file names. Humans are visual beings. Including images in your landing page helps make your content more eye-catching and engaging to users. Besides, studies show that including human images on your landing pages increases conversions. Make sure your landing page images are congruent with the message you want to communicate. Also, be careful not to distract users from the message you’d like to communicate. Your images should reinforce the value of your content.

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7. Clear and Easy Navigation

Your landing page design should be easy to navigate for users. Simple navigation can help users complete the desired action without losing their focus. Include a menu at the top of your page to make information accessible to users whenever they want it. Don’t overload your page with unnecessary information or elements. You should create a pleasant user experience that encourages them to buy from you. Making your page hard to navigate can scare users away and hurt your performance on search engines. Minimize distractions and focus on spotlighting your product.

8. Mobile Friendliness

Creating an optimized mobile landing page will help you target mobile users. 60% of online searches are made nowadays from mobile devices. If you wish to reach your target audience, you must optimize your landing pages to be mobile-friendly. This includes optimizing your page for all screen sizes and making sure all elements are easy to click on and visible.

Mobile Friendly Landing Page

9. Tracking Tools

To measure the success of your landing page, you should use tracking tools such as Google Analytics or heatmaps. Tracking the performance of your landing page will help you identify weak spots. Then, you can optimize them to provide a better user experience and increase performance. The better your landing page performs, the better it will rank organically on Google.

10. Lead Capture Forms

Including a landing page form to capture potential customers’ contact information. This should be simple and easy to fill out and include fields such as name, email address, and phone number. You can offer relevant content in exchange for the users’ information to encourage them to provide their emails. For example, you can include a downloadable ebook with relevant content around a specific topic for users that sign up using your form. Once you’ve obtained their emails, you can proceed to nurture your relationships with an email marketing strategy.

11. Testimonials

Lastly, including testimonials from satisfied customers on your landing page can help to build trust and encourage visitors to take action. This could include customer reviews, case studies, or success stories. Users are more likely to buy a product if they read positive opinions from past customers. Encourage your current customers to leave some reviews on your page about how their experience has been with your business.

What should you not do on a landing page?

To avoid offering a poor landing page experience to users, there are certain things you can do on your end. We break them down for you here.

Avoid including too many links or distractions

You should avoid redirecting users to other external or internal pages. Remember that you want them to complete the desired action. If you include too many links or elements that distract users, they might end up abandoning the page. Focus on the main purpose of the landing page.

Don’t include stock images

Stock images do not transmit credibility to users. Instead, try including original and relevant images of your business that will capture users’ attention. You might use pictures of your products or services in action to increase the chances of users buying from you.

Avoid too much information

Overloading your landing page with too much information might overwhelm or confuse users. Keep it short and sweet so that they can understand the message you wish to communicate. Try covering the main ideas in bullet points and short paragraphs. This will make your page look a lot cleaner.

Don’t include too many product options

Additionally, including too many product options on your landing page might create an internal argument for the user when deciding which one to buy. Remember that you are trying to satisfy a specific need. Include only the products that will help them with their problems and that match the content and purpose of the page. This will help the user take the final action.

How long should a landing page be?

Landing pages should only include the necessary information needed to complete the desired action. Too much information can overwhelm users, which might make them abandon your page. Try making your landing pages 250–300 words long. If your content extends too far, consider creating separate pages that link back to each other in a logical way. Remember, the less, the better.


Building successful and optimized landing pages is the first step in boosting sales and acquiring new customers for your business. Some landing page best practices to boost your page’s performance are:

  • Defining a clear objective for your page
  • Creating persuasive and engaging content
  • Including a strong call-to-action (CTA)
  • Highlighting the benefits of your product or service
  • Including targeted keywords
  • Optimizing your images
  • Making your landing page mobile-friendly
  • Use tracking tools to measure page performance
  • Include lead capture forms on your page
  • Including testimonials to build credibility

With these strategies, you will create optimized pages that serve both users and search engines, target the right customers, and encourage them to buy from you. If you need help building effective landing pages for your website, we can help! RealTop has over 15 years of experience helping business owners thrive online through targeted digital marketing strategies. Get a free marketing plan today and let us help you on your digital journey!