
Digital Marketing Trends 2023

New year means new opportunities to grow your business online! 2022 was a volatile year for many companies. If your business didn’t attain the sales or goals expected, don’t worry, 2023 is your opportunity to make up for it!

Whether you have a small, medium-sized, or large business, you should invest in your digital marketing efforts to reach your target audience in such a competitive market.

72% of companies’ marketing budget will go towards Digital Marketing.

Forget about traditional cold advertising campaigns. The beauty of digital marketing is that you never stop learning as digital trends change constantly.

Digital marketing is evolving, and so should your company. Users have total control over what they see, read, or buy on the internet. The only way you can convert more customers is by providing value through their customer journey.

But how can your business even start with a digital marketing strategy in 2023?

In this blog, we’ll cover some top digital marketing trends in 2023 you should stick with and consider implementing if your objective is to engage with your target market and generate revenue.

Influencer Marketing continues to grow

With so many advertising campaigns out in the market, communicating your message or value proposition to the right audience is more complicated than ever.

Luckily, influencer marketing has come to stay!

One of the most effective ways of differentiating your business from your competition is by being recommended by a reliable and trustworthy figure in your industry.

Studies show that 61% of Consumers Trust Influencers’ Recommendations when deciding to purchase a product.

Imagine if you were a soccer player that wanted to purchase a new pair of shoes. Would you buy them if Messi recommended them? We bet you will!

The same way works for businesses. Do you want to sell more? Then implement influence marketing efforts.

In the past, it was just celebrities and famous people who were in charge of influencing people. But now, social media has become such a massive part of our lives, and influencer are more accessible than ever.

There are influencers on almost every platform – YouTube stars, Instagram models, Snapchat personalities, TikTokers – and they can be found on all platforms you can think of.

Influencer marketing helps build relationships with your audience by creating content that aligns with what your customers want to hear.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Another significant digital marketing trend in 2023 will be using artificial intelligence (AI) in the marketing industry.

AI can help brands learn new insights and optimize their marketing to reach more customers. It uses machine learning to create algorithms to make big data more accessible.

For example, your AI algorithm could study the data of your competitors’ social media posts and determine what they are doing a lot better than you.

This information could then be passed onto your marketing team as they find ways to improve their own social media presence.

This type of machine learning also has wide-ranging effects throughout other areas of your business, like product design, customer service, and even internal communications and logistics

AI can also help you create content by providing ideas of what to write and how to develop your main points by plugging in your main keywords.

With AI playing a huge role in digital marketing, it’s easy for businesses to see how this trend will continue to grow in popularity.

Social Media Platforms Commerce Increases

Another trend you don’t want to miss out on is the increased use of social media channels for commerce. Social media has made it easier for companies to reach their potential customers with every post they share.

Through social media marketing, companies can develop targeted strategies to fill users’ feeds with valuable content and ads that drive sales.

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram make it easier for businesses to complete sales through user-friendly interfaces, attractive advertising features, and tools such as Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads.

Many businesses invested in social media commerce in 2022.

Global social media commerce sales generated approximately 992 billion U.S. dollars, and this trend will not stop in 2023.

Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing is about interacting with your audience through texts, videos, images, and other multimedia content. These interactions allow you to connect with your audience in a new way, so they feel they know you more than just an advertisement.

This digital marketing trend in 2023 is meant for brands looking to become more accessible and show that they have easy-to-understand language and easily digestible content.

Forget about showcasing yourself as an expert by using complex expressions or channels. Users want to feel that they are talking to humans, not robots. More importantly, users want to communicate with companies as easily as possible.

To promote communication between your company and customers, provide an easy way to contact you. For example, a “contact us” pop-up on your website, messages through your social media, phone, and email contacts.

Put yourself in the customers’ shoes and think about how you would like to contact a company if you need anything from them.

Customer Experience will be a Priority

In the past, businesses optimized their ad campaigns, websites, and social media profiles to gain visibility and rank higher by pleasing search engines. This won’t be a thing anymore in 2023.

73% of customers agree that customer experience helps to drive their buying decision.

You might rank higher if you optimize your channels for search engines, but how many sales is this generating for you? How many conversions are you creating?

Customer experience will be a priority for all companies, large or small, as it’s key to attracting customers and keeping them engaged.

When companies prioritize customer experience, they focus on optimizing their campaigns to satisfy their current customers. Additionally, new customers will feel like they have a good time interacting with your company.

Investing in customer experience means investing in your business’s future.

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User-generated content

Users now have the power to create and share their content across different platforms. Whether that’s a review, blog, post, or video, users are more likely to trust your brand or company if others like them are giving their insights about it.

User-generated content can also help you grow referral traffic, as users will recommend your products or services to others.

If you want to gain exposure for your brand and reach a wider audience, you should take advantage of this digital marketing trend and promote user-generated content among your users. Use creative strategies such as challenges, hashtags, raffles, and more.

Personalized Marketing Messages

People want to be engaged with content that appeals to them and connects with their interests.

Personalized marketing messages are important because they can help you show how much you care about them without being obtrusive.

They also allow you to show people that your company values their time and attention and offers them more value than other companies.

Anyone who cares about customer service knows that personalized messages are vital in connecting with customers personally while increasing loyalty towards your business.

A study from Statista shows that 63% of marketers have identified that personalized marketing messages drive more engagement and conversions.

If you want your message to resonate in the mind of users, create personal messages for them. You can create emails, social media posts, messages, and any other form of content that provides value.

Short but Engaging Video Content

With videos, you can achieve an impactful message that can’t be achieved with text alone. And while it might seem like video content takes a lot of time and effort, these types of video marketing platforms have been designed to make this process easier.

You can create short video content that gets your message across without taking up much of your time. Forget about long and tedious videos in 2023.

You have around 8 seconds to get the attention of users before you lose them. Users prefer to watch a short informative video rather than read a lengthy and boring article.

In addition, you don’t necessarily have to have a videographer or professional voice-overs for your videos to get noticed by viewers. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram allow you to create short but engaging videos in minutes.

The key to creating the perfect videos is using creativity, researching, and defining what type of content your audience wants to see in video format.

TikTok takes the Spotlight Once Again

Not surprisingly, TikTok will be taking the spotlight as one of the most social media platforms used in 2023.

TikTok had approximately 3.3 billion downloads in 2022 with 1.2 billion active users, and this number won’t seem to decrease. If your business is looking for effective ways to engage with its audience, then you should definitely pay attention to this digital marketing trend in 2023.

TikTok will experience a significant increase in ads being displayed on behalf of businesses, as well as the use of influencer marketing through this platform.

You might want to consider opening a profile for your company if you still haven’t done it. The magical thing about TikTok is that you don’t need costly video recording equipment. You can perfectly create attractive videos with just a cell phone and creativity.

Don’t know how to make the most out of your videos? Don’t worry. Check these TikTok tricks and tips.

Offer Value with Content Marketing

Content marketing is not a new marketing trend for companies. However, the way it is going to be addressed will change in 2023.

Users are looking each time more for accessible educational content. If your company merely created content for sales purposes, then you should reconsider your strategy.

This doesn’t mean that your content does not need to drive sales. Of course it can, but try to balance offering helpful content and sales strategies.

Let’s say you’re looking to create content marketing for your company. You could write blogs about your company’s products and services. From there, you can plan social media posts and email campaigns that offer value by providing helpful information for your audience.

This will help you ensure people stay interested in learning more about your business and provide you with leads and conversions.

Voice Search

Another digital marketing trend in 2023 you want to pay attention to is Voice Search. Most internet searches nowadays are performed through voice.

27% of the global population perform online voice searches.

If you want to ensure that users find your business in 2023, you might want to optimize your PPC and SEO strategies to target voice searches. This way, your paid ads and organic results will appear at the top of search results, increasing conversions.

Research what users are looking for when performing voice searches. You should ideally target long-tail keywords as users usually look for them, are less competitive, and have higher conversion rates.

Live Streams

We want to mention the last digital marketing trend in 2023: live streaming. Ever since COVID-19, live streams have shown a significant increase among companies.

80% of users report that they prefer watching a live stream rather than reading an article.

This digital trend allows users to stay connected with their friends, family, and, most importantly, with companies.

With live streams, you can build strong relationships with your audience while providing valuable information about your company, products, services, events, special offers, etc.

Also, live streams help you build credibility by showing users that there are humans behind every marketing strategy.


Now that you know about some digital marketing trends for 2023, you are ready to start giving that spin to your marketing strategies to ensure you maximize your results and appeal to your target audience.

If you are just getting started with digital marketing for your business, you might want to hire experts to help you implement the latest marketing trends.

REALTOP’s team of marketing experts can help you create and manage successful marketing campaigns that drive results for your business. Get a free marketing plan for your business today!